Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What Do You Want Out of Life?

I'd like to think my wants are simple enough. The American Dream? Sure. Does anyone really even know what that means?

I want an interesting life.
I want adventure.
I want to be a wife, a lover, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt...
I want to be someone that others are proud of, but most of all.... I want to be proud of me.
I want a house in the country (white picket fence optional).
I want to feel like a family.
I want my house to be a home.
I want home to be where my kids can visit years after they've moved out & remember fondly when away.
I want for my kids everything I didn't have... Two loving parents, stability, love, dreams, and goals.
I want to be comfortable.
I want to have fun.
I want to enjoy life.

I wasted away years of my life, I mean YEARS just going through the motions but not really being there. Once upon a time I was a wife. Not the best wife. There was a time that I was, but that was a very long time ago. I was a stay at home mom. Not the best stay at home mom.

I'd like a chance to start over...


Anonymous said...

Think summer brings it out, but I'm going thru a similar stage. Funny stuff ain't it?


Anonymous said...

*hearts* Your wants echo my own in a lot of ways. But for every minute I've wasted in my past, or try to wish away of my present and future, I miss out on the joy of being in this moment. Okay, joy might be overstating, but there's something to be said for being still and breathing through the crazy. Learning to love myself despite my shortcomings as wife, mother, friend, sister, aunt... Acceptance is the key to peace. You are perfectly Kimberlee and I'm so grateful that you are.


Anonymous said...


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