Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thoughts From the Toilet

I bet you're wondering if this is just a photo I ganked off the web somewhere, huh? Well wonder no more, that's all me baby. Yes, I took my phone to the bathroom with me & snapped my feet from the toilet. I rock like that and by rock, I mean I'm sick & twisted.

I was thinking, how cool would it be if I shared this crap that goes through my head sometimes while I, well, crap. Or pee! I totally meant pee. Don't get all offended. You do it too. My belief is that the main times during the day that people actually achieve uninterrupted solo thought happens on the toilet, in the shower & right before bedtime as you're laying in bed, it's quiet, and all the day's stuff just comes frolicking through your head. Or of course, that could just be me. Who knows?

Okay so here we go - my internal bathroom dialogue...
  1. I really really really wish work had better toilet paper.
  2. How many more days til payday?
  3. Do I have to pay bills on Friday or can it wait until Monday?
  4. Will there be a discount on pumpkins at the patch since we're going *on* Halloween?
  5. My costume better not suck. It's so gonna suck.
So there ya have it. The top 5 things I just thought about on my bathroom break. You're welcome. I'm so glad we're bonding like this.


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