Welcome to Oz and our very first, possibly, real snow in 2011. We knew it was coming, thought it was somewhat exaggerated (Scoff! 9-14 inches?) and some of us actually prepared for it anyway. While the droves of panicked Lawrencians flooded the grocery section of Target last night buying up milk, diapers, formula & bread – I was casually strolling the aisles in search of Red Pepper hummus, the perfect companion flavor of Wheat Thins, a package or two of brat-dogs & some buns. Not to mention that last night I made heaven on a plate with my rendition of Nachos ala Kimberlee, but I digress. This doesn’t make me smarter than the other folks, just cooler :p
So here I sit after a hummus breakfast attempting to get some work done (real-job sort of stuff) while snowed in with 3 kids who are hyped up on brownie bites, sugar cookies & Sunny Delight. I may need to take my chances outside!
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