I have an ongoing love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. I wasn’t a huge fan in school, absolutely hated it when I was married and then I met Hawks. He gave me the first good Valentine’s I’d ever had. I’m not going to go into details but to sum it up, we boinked & we boinked well.
Anyways, I can live with or without V-Day. I’ve decided that since our anniversary is 5 days from V-Day & has been for the last three years & will be for many more that I no longer
I was thinking about this last night… why do I still feel bitter about Valentine’s Day? I have a great man in my life. I feel loved. The color pink doesn’t make me vomit. So what is it?
I’ve come up with this theory – I hate the commercialized fantasy that is created in my head. That’s right. It’s my own fault but I can place blame on the media too. I see a commercial — there’s a storm, she’s scared of the thunder, fireplace nicely lit in the background. Thunder hits again, she jumps, he’s there, right behind her to soothe her fears and then BAM! He busts out a gorgeous necklace & promises that he will be there for her forever.
That shit does not happen in real-life. Every kiss does not begin with “Kay”, sometimes it begins with a couple Long Island Ice Teas at Harbour Lights on Mass Street, which leads to other dirty dirty things. I digress. So I guess my problem is this fairytale crap has me disillusioned. I see this stuff & then I build it up in my head. Sure this could happen, right? I work my 2nd job, it’s our anniversary, I don’t get off until midnight, I come in the house, everyone is asleep, I flip on the kitchen light & there’s flowers on the bar – BAM! Actually no, not bam because this didn’t happen. This is what I mean, all this commercialism creates a false fantasy in womens heads.
Love isn’t a one-day a year event, sponsored by Hallmark, Hershey’s Kisses, and the American Florists Association! Are you trying to increase America’s suicide rate? If you can’t show someone you love them the other 364, then what’s the point?
Valentine’s Day – I love your chalky conversation hearts & chocolate I can buy the day after at 50% off but other than that, please show your self out cause I don’t need ya.
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