Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kinks & Moving Blogs

I know I change blogs a lot. I sort of suck like that and I apologize. I've decided to ditch my "International Woman of Obliviousness" wordpress blog for Blogger. I thought I could easily transition my posts from over there into an XML file to import here. I was wrong. So I just grabbed one post from other there, the Walmart one, of course.

So why the switch?

Easy Peasy
I like the customization & simplicity of blogger. I like that I can create a unique template, upload one I like from multiple places on the web for free, or tweak existing sample ones. I love that this blog can change with me & my moods as often as I want it to.

Whats in a Name?
Also my old URL contained my last name which will be changing in the next few months & the URL would have to change anyways. Why put off what you can do today, right? Besides, I like the sound of Kimberlee in Kansas. Catchy, no?

Show me the Money!
Another reason I chose blogger was because it's easier to monetize. Even if you go with the freebie URL like I did, you can monetize your blog with the really simple tools blogger offers. Will I make big bucks by writing nonsense? Probably not. In fact, most definitely no. However a penny here & there adds up after awhile & I ain't too proud to beg.

So there ya have it... and welcome to Kimberlee in Kansas.


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KiK loves comments, feedback, and suggestions. Got something to say? Say it. If you'd prefer to contact Kimberlee directly, send an email to: kimberlee [dot] bourdon [at] gmail [dot] com