Monday, January 3, 2011

And we're back...

Welcome to the New Year & Monday back to work. I thought I'd do a post about my New Year's resolutions but I've decided this year I'm resoluting (so not a word, huh?) to not have any. That WAS NOT my lazy way out so stop looking at me like that. I *did* think about it - honest. I thought "mayhaps I should blog more" and "mayhaps I'll work harder towards getting the farm I want this year", etc etc. Honestly though I really don't need to declare these resolutions. They're more like "Damn it *this* will happen!" or, ya know, it won't.

As for the blogging more... I've said it before, but ya know it's hard. It's like soooooo hard. Sometimes I have this really great idea and I want to blog it but then I get distracted by shiny things and the motivation to blog is just gone. By the time I actually sit down to blog I end up just staring at my screen wondering what I could possibly write that would be even remotely entertaining. Of course then I begin to agonize over finding anything, just a breadcrumb, or speck of interesting anything from my life and realize "Nope, can't blog that" or "oops that might be too personal" or "Whelp, that might piss people off even if I found it hilarious." Needless to say, I'm my biggest censor. I'll work on that, I promise.

Until then you get an update. Ooooo exciting! *Not*

I believe I'm finally finding my groove working two jobs. Yes, two. My full time web-design job pays well but if I intend to keep my Batmobile, a second job was needed. That's where KU comes in. I'm not sure what the actual name of my 2nd job is but if I had to name it myself, I'd say "awesome custodian to KU athletics department and stuff." It's like night & day. Kinda like having a secret identity that's not really secret. Monday - Friday from 8-4 p.m. I'm a mild mannered web designer spamming up your internets in a cubicle and by night I'm a fast paced cleaning machine (with a radio, huzzah). In between I'm attempting to raise kids, play WoW (World of Warcraft) and keep my fiance happy. I think in the end I achieve zen or something. Hey, I can dream.

Anyroo, here's to my first blog post of 2011 and the promise of more.

Happy New Year poppets!


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