I'm in a funk. A job funk. I've been doing this job since 2008 which means I've been driving the same 38 mile/45-60 minute (each way) commute for nearly 4 years? Yup. It feels like longer. I hate commuting. After two years in I even wrote a post about it - Life in the Carpool Lane. Of course that's back when I carpooled. I have opinions on that too. That's another post. Mostly though, commuting sucks. I imagine commuting would be so much better if there was another route other than the same one I drive everyday, teleportation, better morning radio programming, and/or a train. I'm burnt out. So burnt out.
So commuting aside which is the biggest issue, I also, hate my job. Web-designing/SEO is definitely what I *can* do, but it *most* definitely is not what I *want* to do. This is why I'm an asshole. I have a skill, I make good money, I can wear jeans, I get free soda, I have a desk, I have stability, vacation time, a very cool boss (mostly) etc. But I'm unhappy. Again, it's mostly because of the commute. I'd say 80% commute, 20% that I don't like what I do. There are so many people who can't find a job in today's screwed economy & here I am bitching about the job I have. I. Am. An. Asshole.
You know what's worse? I'm not even sure what it is that I would be happier doing. I'd love to get another County job like I had in California. I'm not even sure how it works here. In California it was a lot of testing. I'd like to work in Topeka or Lawrence to switch up the commute or not have much of one at all. I'd like to go back to school. I don't know when I'll find time to do that or what I'd even take classes in.
Ugh! I'm in a funk and I want out!
So commuting aside which is the biggest issue, I also, hate my job. Web-designing/SEO is definitely what I *can* do, but it *most* definitely is not what I *want* to do. This is why I'm an asshole. I have a skill, I make good money, I can wear jeans, I get free soda, I have a desk, I have stability, vacation time, a very cool boss (mostly) etc. But I'm unhappy. Again, it's mostly because of the commute. I'd say 80% commute, 20% that I don't like what I do. There are so many people who can't find a job in today's screwed economy & here I am bitching about the job I have. I. Am. An. Asshole.
You know what's worse? I'm not even sure what it is that I would be happier doing. I'd love to get another County job like I had in California. I'm not even sure how it works here. In California it was a lot of testing. I'd like to work in Topeka or Lawrence to switch up the commute or not have much of one at all. I'd like to go back to school. I don't know when I'll find time to do that or what I'd even take classes in.
Ugh! I'm in a funk and I want out!
Sucks much when you feel unaccountably ungrateful for something that so many would kill for. But the truth is that you're human and it's okay feel dissatisfied with the status quo. And...commutes are HELL on anyone who does them for a long time. It may be that it's time for a change for Miss K. As hard as it is try to flip the switch from being a bit passively dissatisfied to completely motivated to get the life you want and deserve! You're one of the most awesomest people I know. The whole asshole part is bonus in my bitchy book. xo
I <3 you!
I hear you, but mine is flip-flopped. I 80% hate my job. I don't really mind the commute since three days a week it amounts to slipping on my slippers and walking the 30ft to my computer, and the other two days a week I have a 20 minute drive to the office. Top be honest, this webhosting thing blows chunks. I would actually be happier working retail. But, one plus is that this job give me time to work on my book. So, job that I hate with time to write vs. job that I enjoy but no time to write. decisions, decisions......
I didn't even know you were writing a book. Damn I'm clueless. Makes sense though. You're a bookworm :p
You should check out/apply for jobs with the state. You'd work in Topeka and mostly everyone I know who started out trying to get a state job eventually got one.
Hey Kim,
Did you see my new coffee mug for the office? I posted it on FB. One side says "book worm" and the other says "Not to be trusted with a credit card in a bookstore".
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